Cooperation between acupuncture TCM and chiropractic
There has been a cooperation in this area in our practice for several years.
Several months a year, a doctor who has received further training in China and specializes in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) comes to the Chiropractic Center Cologne to work with the chiropractors there to treat mainly chronically ill patients.
The success of this cooperation is mostly reflected in the form of a decrease in the inflammatory process, the resolution of pathological behavior patterns, especially of the musculoskeletal system, and a positive prognosis in terms of avoiding recurrence. In attempting to answer the question of the reasons for the success of the treatment, let us first return to the year 1966 when George Goodheart, D.C. (the American chiropractor who developed the Applied Kinesiology Method (AK) in 1964) integrated the Meridian Therapy into his chiropractic work and thus in particular into his "Applied Kinesiology" system.
After he had already found out that each organ can be assigned to a specific skeletal muscle - (this assignment is an important basis for diagnostics and therapy) - he discovered that the same assignment also exists between a muscle and the meridian of "his" organ .
In addition to this parallelism, he also noticed that vertebral subluxations in the chiropractic sense were to be found at those points on the spine where points on the bladder meridian (running next to the spine) were currently active, with a different skin resistance being shown at these points, among other things .
The goal of acupuncture is to restore the normal flow of energy through the meridians. This energy must always be maintained at a certain level when man is no longer growing. In the field of chiropractic, the basic intent is similar. The action potential of the nerves should be rehabilitated and, if the amplitude and frequency are right, ensure optimal communication between the body cells.

Things to know about chiropractic indications
About the sense of a cooperation between orthodontists and chiropractors
The biomechanical connection between the pelvic and jaw joints has been known for a long time. It can be explained primarily by the linking of the two structures via the dura (outer meninges). It turns out that a malfunction in one of the two areas is very likely to have a negative impact on the other.
In our practice, we have been working together with orthodontists for a long time to ensure as far as possible that a bite treatment or a pelvic adjustment does not become ineffective or even harmful for the patient by neglecting one of these body areas. In concrete terms, this means that ideally the impression for a bite correction should be taken immediately after the adjustment of the spine, the skull and especially the pelvis.
Conversely, it is possible that treatment of the latter only makes sense after the temporomandibular joint function has been normalized.
It is the task of the experienced orthodontist and chiropractor to decide which of these two areas of the body should be treated first. There are certain examination methods that show whether the problem is ascending (the pelvis is primarily affected and should be treated first) or descending (treatment should start at the jaw joint).
For the well-being of the affected patients, cooperation and the exchange of information between the two specialized professional groups is necessary. Our own positive experiences in this area make us optimistic about the expansion and especially greater awareness of such a practice.