Manuela Gies
Manuela Gies has been in our practice since 1996. She is a medical technical assistant and naturopath with a degree in traditional Chinese medicine. She has been practicing in this area independently since 2008 within the premises of the Chiropractic Center. This cooperation has proven to be very beneficial for patient care.
Organically induced disorders of the spine as well as inflammation of the nerves and periosteum caused by skeletal blockages and discopathies (especially sciatica and tennis elbow), to name just two examples, can be treated much more easily and in the long term with a combined form of treatment of chiropractic and acupuncture.
The successes in this area prompt us to continue this form of cooperation.
Since the treatments by chiropractic and Chinese medicine can of course be scheduled directly afterwards, the patients need to come less often and experience an increased effect.