Estelle Dinot has been with our practice since 2010
After her 6-year chiropractic training at the Institut Franco-Européen de Chiropratique (IFEC) in Paris, she is specialized in the techniques of American chiropractic and also in special procedures such as the sacro-occipital technique, Atlas Specific (HIO), Applied Kinesiology , craniopathy, adjustment of extremities and in the treatment of pregnant women and infants.
She worked for a year and a half in Italy (Turin) in a practice in collaboration with doctors and physiotherapists.
Through this very effective cooperation and participation in various training courses, Mrs. Dinot was able to expand her knowledge and treatment concept.
This enables her to effect a global correction of the patient, which particularly takes into account the interaction of the individual parts of the body, such as the musculoskeletal system, organs and nervous system.
In addition to examination and treatment, prevention and patient counseling are important aspects of her method.
Mother tongue: French
Other languagues spoken : German and English